
Proper Yard Landscaping Can Reduce Household Pests

Pests are a genuine concern in any household when it comes to its residents’ health and safety. Generally, homeowners tend to focus on indoor solutions to prevent the occurrence of pests and mistakenly forget about possible outdoor causes and their simple solutions. Very often an improperly landscaped yard can contribute to the infestation by pests.…

do donts

Landscaping Do’s and Don’ts

A well landscaped lawn coupled with a clean-cut pathway to any properties entrance adds what is known as curb appeal to the entire whole property. It may seem an easy task at a glance but in reality it is not so simple. Landscaping your yard, whether it be in the front, back or the entire…

pest control blog

Pink and Green now provides lawn pest control service

Pink and Green Lawn Care and Landscape, a family owned and operated company specializing in lawn care service and landscaping in Broward County, FL has just announced that they have added lawn pest control to their slew of services. “It’s been a long process to acquire the proper licensing and hire the right talent. Lawn…